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Acting at the right level, at the heart of regions


regional foundations, acting side by side with local communities


volunteers across France, working closely with stakeholders on the ground

At Fondation de France, we contribute actively to the development of communities, thanks to our regional foundations, the commitment of our volunteers on the ground and the donor-advised funds that choose to work locally.

Each region has its own issues, including economic, social, cultural, political and environmental ones. Being effective on the ground therefore means adjusting and fine-tuning the work to best meet these specific needs.

At Fondation de France, we have opted for a decentralized structure, rooted in its six regions. Which is how we can identify key stakeholders and organize the most relevant cooperation projects and alliances, so that we can assist all those who want to serve the public interest in their local area: donors, founders – led by individuals and companies alike – project leaders and volunteers.

Territory-based philanthropy is a boost for local development. This is our strength, and the purpose of our regional structure. Today, we are the leading source of independent support for local nonprofits. Each year, thanks to the commitment of our volunteers and the teams in our regions, we support many projects throughout France. We work in areas that include large cities, deprived neighborhoods, conurbation areas, isolated rural locations and we always place emphasis on innovation, synergy and the ability to reproduce achievements.

Local Dynamics: targeting, identifying and working across areas, to support the most vulnerable communities

Fondation de France is now accelerating this momentum, with its “Local Dynamics” program. Key to the process is an accurate assessment of vulnerability in micro territories, which a network of private, nonprofit and public stakeholders address proactively to meet the needs of residents. 

An example of this new way of encouraging new cooperation models and supporting experimentation locally can be found in Marseille. Fondation de France Méditerranée identified a dozen or so local stakeholders in the city who are leading change, which is exactly what community baker, Pain et Partage, does. 

This community nonprofit, which also facilitates integration, produces organic bread, which is distributed in the underprivileged neighborhoods and schools of Marseille. In Grenoble, Fondation Centre-Est supports nonprofit Point d'Eau. This key regional player provides holistic support (hygiene, healthcare and also administrative support, education, culture and sport) to very poor people. Point d’Eau relies on a large number of partners in the region and has chosen to involve beneficiaries in their work.

Explore the local experiments being conducted as part of the “Local Dynamics Program”