Children and families

► MaMaMa: helping women and babies facing great hardship
In the Greater Paris area, around 50,000 babies are estimated to need emergency food. During the first lockdown, many women found themselves in even greater difficulty to provide their children’s basic needs.

Helping mothers and protecting their babies, off the streets
Fondation de France welcomes and looks after young, homeless mothers and their newborns, to help women who are in distress or living in great poverty.

Children’s rights - three projects for a better future
November 20 is World Children’s Day. For the past 13 years, Fondation de France has supported projects to help every child grow up and flourish in the right environment.

Kiera Chaplin: “Education is a weapon to combat the crime of excision”!
United Nations figures are stark: Two hundred million women in the world have been excised and three million girls are likely to suffer this mutilation each year!