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Solidarity with Ukraine: a year of action

A year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the country’s humanitarian situation is catastrophic. Fondation de France remains mobilized.
In a little less than a year, nine million euros have been allocated to more than 100 initiatives, mostly in Ukraine and bordering countries, Poland, Romania and Moldova. Fondation de France continues to act in accordance with its operating procedures: providing relief – especially to the most vulnerable – while planning for the long term; relying on local organizations which can act where they are needed most; and drawing on the expertise of its dedicated committee and local correspondents to take decisions.



Access to basic services for millions of people remains compromised and the severe energy crisis, together with the bitingly cold temperatures, mean that access to heating is a major issue. The help provided to civilians relies for a large part on NGOs and local initiatives, as the Ukrainian government is focusing its efforts on supporting the army.

Right now, we are focusing on responding to the humanitarian emergency but we are also preparing for the future, to help rebuild the Ukrainian nation. But as the war drags on, humanitarian aid remains the priority, especially in regions close to the front. Fondation de France is mostly active in Ukraine, where needs are greatest. Where possible, Europe-wide collaborative projects are preferred, for more impact.

Providing food, accommodation and heating for those affected by the war

- World to Ukrainians has set up a shelter in Zaporizhzhia
- the Odessa kindergartens offers emergency food aid to their staff, so that services can continue
- U-saved provided bread every day to 5,000 highly vulnerable people
- Électriciens sans frontières (Electricians Without Borders) and CAM-Z install generators in collective establishments like hospitals
- Angel of Salvation provides heating to accommodation centers for refugees who come from the front line or occupied areas

Taking care of the most vulnerable

Mental health support

- IMRC, based in Kyiv, offers mental health support to people affected by the conflict, in addition to comprehensive medical assistance to war victims and elderly people
- Carpathian Foundation Ukraine supports local initiatives providing social and psychological help for displaced persons, with particular emphasis on women and children
- ProWomen has been developing a coaching program exclusively for women, and help with accessing the labor market, as they often find themselves to be the head of the family

Medical assistance

Across the country, the National Network of Local Philanthropy Development, a network of 18 Ukrainian organizations provides medical equipment and drugs to local communities, enabling them to care for the most vulnerable

Testimonies for the future

As such, Fondation de France contributes to several projects documenting human rights violations in Ukraine.

- Vostok SOS operates several telephone help lines for war victims and displaced persons
- The European Prison Litigation Network protects the rights of prisoners held in zones occupied by Russia by condemning the war crimes committed in prisons
- Luhensk Regional Human Rights, which has been active in the Donbas area since 2013, it offers legal advice to war victims and publishes information and testimonies recorded in Ukraine and abroad, in order to refer to the International Criminal Court in due course.

Key figures as of February 15, 2023

87,500 donors
16.8 million euros raised
Almost €9 m allocated
More than 100 projects supported, including 62 in Ukraine



→ Solidarity Ukraine