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► Hope for more effective treatment to combat aggressive brain tumors

At the International Cancer Day for Children, the focus was on the research carried out by Dr. Celio Pouponnot and his team to treat particularly aggressive brain tumors in very small children. A very promising project that Fondation de France supports as part of its Cancer Program.

The estimate for the number of new cancer cases in children in France stands at 2,500 each year. Average recovery rates are around 70 to 80%, but the prognosis is particular poor for certain cancers. This is the case of atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumors (ATRT), rare cerebral tumors that affect mainly children under the age of three. Near Paris, researcher Celio Pouponnot and his team are working on developing effective treatment for ATRTs, which is less toxic than previous treatments, to limit the long-term side effects on children’s development.

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