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Sustainable food, in France and further afield

Excessive consumption of resources, biodiversity extinction, massive waste levels, malnutrition and obesity are some of consumption and production patterns that have generated many forms of imbalance. Some of the Fondation de France donor-advised funds are rising to the challenge to support a different kind of food model – more sustainable and mindful of both humans and the environment. We zoom in on the work of Fondation Écotone and Fondation EG Afrique.

Christian Galtier, Fondation EG Afrique: “Promoting agricultural and food independence in Togo.”

EG Afrique is a family foundation, created in the early 2010s. I’ve lived in Africa several times in the course of my military service and career. When I became able to develop a charitable initiative, it was natural for me to look to projects in Africa.  Based in the north of Togo, there was first a mechanics training program, now completed, and two training centers on agriculture and family businesses are now ongoing. The centers host couples, often with their children, for six-month stays. They develop a new approach that aims to help the people trained to take on more responsibility and acquire new skills gradually. Each household receives comprehensive training: farming practices, ecological behaviors (saving on resources, water management, replanting trees, etc.) as well as nutrition (cooking workshops, food diversity and so on) and hygiene. Everything links with everything and if you look at sustainable food, it leads to all of these themes. At the end of the six-month training program, each household returns to their village with two steers and a cultivator, funded half by the foundation and half by the family itself. The loan turns into a gift if the families implement the methods taught. Which is almost always the case, as farmers who have gone through the program see a five-fold increase in their yield!

Emilie Lowenbach, Fondation Écotone: “Our throughline is: biodiversity from field to fork”

Ecotone is a leading organic food group in Europe.Created in 2018, our foundations starting point was to find out how we could go beyond the work we are already doing. How could we support research, experimentation and initiatives from civil society? Currently, biodiversity is often understood to be the preservation of wildlife but the challenges of agricultural ecosystems are also crucial. Two thirds of global food rely on only nine plant species! This “simplification” is the reason for poorer soil and ecosystems and also probably for food deficiencies.

We have therefore organized our work around agricultural and food biodiversity, from field to fork. We can introduce a number of levers in this field. Research first, with, for instance, a project that measures the nutrition benefits of more diverse plant-based food. Experimentation next, by supporting an initiative for re-introducing almond crops in the south of France. This production had practically disappeared in the 20th century, in the face of a parasite’s calamitous destruction.

The pilot orchard we are supporting explores all non-chemical strategies to fight this destructive pest, and allows for the return to local and organic almond crops. Our third strategy is to restore agricultural biodiversity, especially by contributing to the creation of Fonds pour l’Arbre (Foundation for Trees), which supports hedge preservation and planting in the midst of crops. Lastly, we also intend to raise awareness of these issues with consumers and the general public. For example, with a number of influencers, we produced videos shown on social media with the #OnEstPrêt. (We’re Ready) hashtag. In short – from producers to consumers, the transition needs everyone to be on board!