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Developing philanthropy


Already present in Asia through a number of emergency response operations, Fondation de France is establishing itself in Hong Kong with the creation of Fondation de France Asia. The aim is to develop cross-border philanthropic connections.

With the rise of climate emergencies, social inequalities, and humanitarian crises, philanthropy is dedicated to addressing the pressing challenges facing us today. Its mission is to confront these issues while striving to create more inclusive, equitable societies that respect individual rights and collective freedoms.

With the publication of Ariadne's 10th Forecast on the future challenges facing European philanthropy, Julie Broome, Director of Ariadne, talks to us about the key points of this study and the specific challenges facing France.

Since they work for business boards, would they be an opportunity for European foundations too? Should a time-limited quota be introduced in relation to gender diversity on foundations’ boards? The matter is complex and needs unpacking, but ultimately, yes.

After two years of the global pandemic, this spring finally saw the opening of spaces again to meet with colleagues across philanthropy, civil society and academia.

This spring, 25 leaders of major European foundations discussed key issues facing the philanthropic sector at the first European Academy of Strategic Philanthropy (EASP). In this interview, Maja Spanu shares some of the key insights from the event whilst providing her own take on philanthropy in Europe.

Fondation de France was created more than 50 years ago to develop philanthropy in France. Inspiring and encouraging people to engage for the common good, making them realize everyone can take action – that is its core mission.

Founded to develop and promote a particularly French form of philanthropy, nearly 900 charities currently fall under the umbrella of Fondation de France, operating in all fields of public interest. Thanks to the generosity of donors and testators, it conceives and also implements intervention programmes to tackle all forms of vulnerability, to support medical research, ecological transition and provide emergency support to victims of natural disasters. In total, some 10,000 projects are funded each year!

2020 was an unprecedented year by any measure. Its impact was acutely felt by everyone, a fact that was widely noted. Never since the end of the Second World War had our country experienced such a deep and lasting economic recession, in the context of a crisis that affected the entire planet. 

How can philanthropy help defend the fundamental rights that are liberty, equality and fraternity? From 22 to 24 May 2019, over 600 philanthropy professionals from all over Europe got together to debate this question at the European Foundation Centre (EFC) annual conference, which the Fondation de France was involved in organising.