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Fondation de France, an accelerator for generosity

Created more than 50 years ago, Fondation de France is the leading philanthropy network in France. A completely independent foundation, officially recognized as being of public interest, it brings together donors, founders, volunteers and grassroots organizations.

We provide each of these stakeholders with the support, advice, services and expertise they need for their work to be as effective as possible.

Two interconnected ways of working

With our own action programs, we offer donors the possibility of committing to one or several causes of their choice, such as assistance to vulnerable people, medical research, environmental protection, culture, education and more.

In addition, we facilitate the work of our donor-advised funds, with personalized guidance, involving the advice of experts, support in methodology, networking and the sharing of best practices.

We have developed unique know-how to support all those who want to take action:

Expertise on all social issues

We enlist the help, on a voluntary basis, of leading experts in all non-profit sectors, such as solidarity, healthcare, medical research, employment, culture. This collaborative and multidisciplinary approach means that all aspects of an issue can be addressed and leverage for action can be achieved jointly.

Working at the right level, locally

With our six regional foundations, our work is embedded right at the heart of communities, so that we can engage directly with the reality of each territory, in all their specificities. Locally, we work with those who work on the ground to identify, select and support the most innovative and exemplary projects.

We firmly believe that participation from beneficiaries is essential and we promote projects that encourage their involvement.

The ability to act within the right timescale

In emergency situations, we act swiftly, but our commitment is always for the long term. Rebuilding a life or producing lasting and meaningful solutions takes time. So does trying out new ideas, testing new ways of doing things and taking risks.

Constantly sharing our experience

We have generated a wealth of invaluable experience over 50 years. Meetings, workshops and training all contribute to building an ecosystem in which exchanges flourish among philanthropy stakeholders. Strengths are also pooled, to increase individual engagement and reinforce collective effectiveness, for society as a whole.