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Your Partner in Corporate Social Responsibility

Fondation de France collaborates with companies to define their purpose and facilitate their worldwide philanthropy strategies and employee engagement. Let us transform your vision into reality.

 At Fondation de France, we excel in industry leading due diligence & compliance protocols, program support, easing the burden of administrative tasks and mitigating risks associated with corporate social responsibility initiatives. Our collaboration with multinational and recognized national enterprises ensures the trust and effectiveness we provide to our partners. We secure that your core values are transformed into meaningful impact and concrete outcomes.

Service offered

  • Donor advised funds (or sheltered foundations)
  • Employee Engagement Strategies

Donor-Advised Funds - Simplified, Secure, and Transparent

Benefit from the expertise of a "sheltering" foundation for your philanthropic projects. From inception to ongoing activity, the sheltering foundation guides founders through the process of setting up and managing donor-advised funds (also known as "sheltered foundations").

 By partnering with an umbrella foundation, donor-advised funds gain credibility and a strong brand image, which is invaluable during fundraising efforts. The administrative burden is lifted, allowing founders to focus on project achievement.

 Enjoy the same tax advantages as the sheltering foundation, and rest assured as expert advice on philanthropic activities, finance, tax, assets, and legal matters is provided, ensuring the legality of your donor-advised fund's activities.

Employee Engagement Strategies

Fondation de France works as a philanthropic architect to support your corporate social responsibility vision. Our organization provides you the expertise of top professional in each area of common interest to help you design, implement, and monitor your employee engagement strategy. We dedicate ourselves to ensure we are aligned with your program needs and desired results.


Want to learn more?

Contact our team of international philanthropy experts in the following email address: 

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