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Cardiovascular diseases:  a major public health challenge

Every four minutes someone in France is a victim of a cardiovascular event. Affecting increasingly younger sectors of the population, these diseases are currently the second leading cause of death in France.* For over 20 years, Fondation de France has supported research that helps us better understand, predict and cure cardiovascular diseases.

Obesity and cardiovascular diseases

Thanks to improved prevention measures, the consequences of cardiovascular events have diminished over the past 30 years. This progress was made possible by new surgical techniques and most of all, advances in research. However, over the same period obesity has increased. Today 17% of the French population is obese, and nearly 15%* of French children are overweight.

These figures suggest that cardiovascular diseases will increase among young people. This is why Fondation de France is focusing its support on research, and in particular, the cardiovascular consequences of obesity.

We encourage research on cardiovascular diseases, as well as their progression and possible treatments, based on three approaches:

increasing knowledge of cardiovascular diseases;
measuring and predicting the impact of metabolic disorders (such as diabetes or high blood pressure) on these diseases;
finding innovative therapeutic solutions to reduce the effects of cardiovascular diseases.

*Sources: 2016, CépiDC-Inserm and solidarités-santé.gouv



The program team
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Call for projects

Fondation de France is committed to supporting cardiovascular disease research that aims to reduce the consequences of cardiovascular events.

Research on cardiovascular diseases

Fondation de France supports clinical and fundamental research projects that explore the relationship between cardiovascular illness and metabolic disorders such as diabetes or dyslipidemia.

Call for projects

Fondation de France is committed to supporting cardiovascular disease research that aims to reduce the consequences of cardiovascular events.

Research on cardiovascular diseases

Fondation de France supports clinical and fundamental research projects that explore the relationship between cardiovascular illness and metabolic disorders such as diabetes or dyslipidemia.

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