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Culture and creativity: the arts that bind us together


Donor-advised funds


Projects supported each year

We support all forms of creativity, including music, fine arts, literature, performing arts and architecture.

Thanks to the donor-advised funds actively engaged in the programs we manage, we place art at the heart of society, building bridges among citizens and thus combating social, geographic and cultural divisions.

Accessing art and culture means taking part in it and contributing to creativity and symbolic points of reference. In order to heal social wounds, new methods are needed to find commonalities between those involved in culture, artists from all disciplines, local stakeholders and the general public, especially vulnerable people.

We also pay particular attention to the young artists who were badly hit by the pandemic.


Donor-advised funds


Projects supported each year

We support all forms of creativity, including music, fine arts, literature, performing arts and architecture.

Thanks to the donor-advised funds actively engaged in the programs we manage, we place art at the heart of society, building bridges among citizens and thus combating social, geographic and cultural divisions.

Accessing art and culture means taking part in it and contributing to creativity and symbolic points of reference. In order to heal social wounds, new methods are needed to find commonalities between those involved in culture, artists from all disciplines, local stakeholders and the general public, especially vulnerable people.

We also pay particular attention to the young artists who were badly hit by the pandemic.

Find out more about the donor-advised funds working in this field
Find out more about the donor-advised funds working in this field

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