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Staying United Against the Coronavirus: Fondation de France calls for donations

The social and economic crisis is snowballing as the health crisis continues. Poverty is on the increase and many – including elderly people and those affected by disability and mental health issues – are being cut off from society. Added to that is the particularly tough situation that front line health workers and carers face once again, as they cope with the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Help is needed more than ever! Fondation de France hurriedly swung into action in the spring and is now calling a new launch for donations. These will provide immediate and lasting relief by:​

1. Supporting health workers and carers:​

  • in their daily work during pandemic peaks (physical and IT equipment, psychological and/or physical support, setting up listening teams, etc.);
  • and over the longer term, by helping professionals, carers and volunteers overcome the traumatic experiences they have endured since the crisis began (respite care and activities, psychological support, help in reorganising work patterns, etc.).

2. Assisting vulnerable people badly hit by the crisis, especially:​

  • people and families experiencing the most hardship;
  • homeless people;
  • women abuse victims;
  • jobless people;
  • elderly people and those affected by disabilities, who suffer from greater social isolation;
  • young people, especially those who dropped out of the education system in the early stages of lockdown;
  • people affected by mental health conditions that are made worse by pandemic-induced isolation and stress.

Our country needs solidarity more than ever. We need to stand by those who are on the front line more than ever. Let’s stay united against the Coronavirus.

Donations will be allocated according to where the need is greatest, as identified in the field.

Make a donation

Please send your cheque made payable to "Fondation de France – Restons solidaires face au virus" to the following address:

Fondation de France
Restons solidaires face au virus